schmetterling34's Notizen

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27 August 2014

As predicted there was no room for exercise at all. In fact we were running late for everything!
I dropped LB off to pick up his car just before 3.30pm. He was mend to come straight home as we had to be at the vets at 4.15pm. By 4.10 he was still not home. Turns out theat he has an ABS fault but the garages diagnostic system can't identify where the problem is :~O. At least he decided not to go to shropshire today. Its too far to go with a car thats no 100% reliable.
He had phoned the vets beforehand and as we missed our appointment at 3.45pm, they told us to come in when we were ready. Phil our regular vet was swamped, so we had to see hie sidekick. Never again! Holly needed a bloodtest and they wanted to take her in the back to do it there. We said we wanted to be there, and rightly so. I don't know where this vet learned or better say not learned to take blood. She shaved her neck and after stabbing her 3 times she still had none. Then she shaved her leg and still needed 2 attemps. Poor Holly. Luckily I had some off her favourite snacks in my pocket and the torture was soon forgotten. Ash was there the whole time too. A chance to weigh her(9.10kg now) and just get used to the whole process.
Got home at 6pm and LB went straight down to feed the pheasants. Glad I decided to stay and let Ash have a rest. Keith our builder came round (as arranged previously but totally forgotten). He took some measurements. So hopefully we get the roof of the extension pitched off and new smaller windows put in upstairs before it gets too cold.
While LB was away, I prepped todays lunch: Red cabbage, potato dumplings and pigeon breast with bacon and mushrooms. YUM.
We had just about time to have a sandwich before it was time to go to the pub. Back by 10pm, but by the time I switched the light of it was well past 11pm. Guess who is tired today.

Busy times, but never boring :)

26 August 2014

Did I say that life couldn't get any better?

I was right! But it can take a nose dive, make you stumble and shake you of your cloud 7 faster then you think. Sometimes I feel like I jinx myself by saying things out loud or even writing them down.

I can only blame it on my hormones. As elated as I was on friday morning, I was reduced to a sniffeling heap by the evening. Or was it the fry up that I choose to eat mid morning? But leason learned. Don't take anything for granted and don't expect things to stay the same!!!!

Luckily I have levelled out again. Spend all day Saturday in the kitchen and produced some amazing wholesome food for Sunday. Lbs shooting buddies came over for a BBQ with their wifes. It was a really good, relaxed afternoon with way too much food. Good food, but still too much. At least I was done eating by 5pm and that was it for the day. Had a repeat yesterday when his kids and grandkids came over. Today I am glad to be back to a routine. Ate some plums and 2 really juicy pears for breakfast and midmorning snacks is dates and banana :)

Didn't get round to exercise at all. Sorry Jillian. She will have to wait another day. Need to take Holly to the vets today for a checkup, collect Lbs car from its service and meet friends for a drink tonight. I doubt between all that, work and dogwalking I will have much time for anything else. So next time it will hurt again!

Motto for the Day: Live for the moment!

22 August 2014

Gosh I haven't written a journal like in forever!!!

Time is just flying past, there is never enough hours in a day, although I am up from 5am til 10pm most days.

My little doggie is slowly getting bigger. It is so lovely to see her develop, discover new things and grow into a confident and happy pooch. Obviously she is quiet miscievious and a little naughty but not in a nasty way. I think she has a little bit of a magpie in her. The things I keep on finding my stuff in her crate. The other day it was my purse :).

The garden is slowly slowing down but I still got the kitchen full of cucumbers and courgettes that need pickling. And now the blackberries and plums down the farm are ready. What to do with them. If they would pick themselves, it would save me some time!!!

I have cancelled my gym membership as I can never find the time to go anymore. I might go back in the winter but for the moment I am quiet happy to work out at home. I have invested in a Jillian Box set to keep me interested. And it is so much easier to do a dvd, then shower and be down in under an hour than driving all the way into town.
I need to be careful with my right arm. Tennis elbow :(. Guess the kettlebells didn't do me any favours. But my physio is on the case and I can use my arm again without too much pain.

LB is turning 62 on Sunday and weather permitting we will have his shooting buddies over for a Bbq and his kids and grandkids for one on Monday. I am looking forward to give him his prezzies as he said he didn't need anything. But I have come up with a few things that I know he will really like :).

I have not weight myself in 283days. Its liberating. I hated the scales at the best of times! Judging by my clothes I am doing ok. And since I am dairy free( well if I feel like a little cheese, I have it, but milk and yogurt are a big NONO) and all I eat til lunchtime is ripe sweet fruit: I have no cravings for sugar and any other food. The only time of the month I am really hungry is just before my Ladytimes. But that only ever lasts for a day.

Yeah, I don't think life could get much better in the moment.

Happy Days

14 Juli 2014

Monday after not a good night sleep

Getting up early on the weekend, like saturday at 7 and sunday at 6.15 qualifies for a good night sleep. Nada. I even exercised yesterday. With a puppy either watching me or the telly ;). It went ok apart from the floorexercises. I managed to keep her of my face but got my ears and neck nibbled and licked.

Food came mostly from the garden this weekend and tasted divine!!! First tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, courgettes, beetroot, gem luttuce, beans and radishes. Cucumbers will be soon ready. For desert we had freshly picked raspberries and strawberries.

Ash will be ok as a working dog :). She is certainly not Gun shy! Lb went clay pigeon shooting and I followed him with Ash in my car. I parked about 1/2 mile away and we walked slowly closer til we were in the middle of them. It only took us an hour with lots of stops to play or take mini power naps. She didn't take the slightest bit of notice when the guns kept on firing :)

Just a bit of gardening on the agenda today and then hopefully an early night.

Happy Days

11 Juli 2014


My mission to get back or better say away from the sugar is going soso. I had a tiny bit of my 'wartime' cake before I went shopping. When we got back around 9 isch I 'only' got a white wine spritzer, but just before we went to bed I got the nibbles. Shared a small bag of crisps and some cheese with LB. But then I went ahead and had a thick slice of bread with 2 slices of german ham on it. I slept well but had some intriginly weird dreams. I blame it on the cheese!!!

Not sure whats on the agenda for this weekend. LB will spent a lot of time down in the woods getting the Pen ready for the baby pheasants ( about 700 of them) to arrive next wednesday. I might/should/will do some more gardening as I never got any done yesterday. I chatted to my mom for an hour instead :)

Ash is 4.65kg now. Not a bad gain (0.65kg) from last week with 2 days of being poorly. I am still taking pictures every day since she is growing sooooo quickly. This week we will have to learn how to sit and walk to heel. Still haven't quiet manage to 'leave it'. But the sit is nailed :)

Happy Days :)

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