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04 Februar 2015

Who would have thought that I have such a competetive nature?

For years I have dwindled the money away that I earn with beating. Not so this year. First thing I bought for me was Lumie light. Makes naturally waking up much easier but I still can't wait for more daylight.
Second gadget is a fitbit charge. I was tempted to wait for the surge to come out over here, but I can always upgrade next year. And now I keep on competing with myself. I found myself marching on the spot sunday night to make sure I got my 10000 steps. I guess I was a bit lazy that day as I did 24000 the day before ;)
I have also ordered a dehydrator and a recipe book to go with it. Can't wait for its arrival. Fruit leather and jerky are probably top of my list to make.
I also need some new wellies. Really good quality ones cost around £100. But they not only keep your feet dry but warm and they are compotable to wear all day. After all that I will still have about £80 left. Not bad for a few days walking round in the countryside :)

On a different note. I am getting more and more sensitive to dairy. The other day I had a bad bout of diarrhea. Turns out the cup of hot chocolate made with water contained enough milkpowder to cause havoc :(. Definetely paying more attention to labels from now on!!!

I really want to get back into running. My daughter went for a jog last weekend and it stirred memories in me that I cherish. For now I use my elliptical for 30 minutes a day on top of the dog walks. My knee does feel a lot stronger again but I am a bit worried it will 'ping' again if I overdo it.

Sis will be 50 tomorrow. I have arranged some flowers to be delivered to her place. Must start to plan my yearly visit to germany. Just reluctant to leave my puppy behind. Feels like I have grown another limb :)

All in all: Happy Days

17 Dezember 2014

400 Days of not weighing in.

Got my leather pants out yesterday for our 'splendid' christmas buffet lunch, and they fitted well. So well I wore them all day and just kept on changing my foot wear. Brown leather boots- Black shinny 6 inch heels- brown boots- wellies- slippers- black boots :)

Exercise for November was on par. I managed 15 out of 30. A lot was spend in the great outdoors, walking with my spanial. But 6 hours walking solid certainly qualifies as exercise in my book.

So far I am on 9 out of 17 days for December.

My tennis elbow seems much better now, but now my left knee keeps playing up. The weird thing is that I can squat without any pain but normal walking seems to agrievate it. For now its ibuprofen gel and knee support.

Its nearly x-mas and I am a complete BA-HUM-BUG. It gets worse every year. I have put some decorations up, even bought a little tree(3 foot tall), and keep on baking christmas cookies. I am looking forward to the time off...but I just don't get that christmassy feeling anymore. Its so commercial. Its all about buying, spending and then obviously the sales. Good drives me crackers.

Last year I watched LBs son opening presents for his 3 month old son. I think it nearly took 2 hours. Then his 5 year old granddaughter came over to his with her parents. And after a manic hour long ripping of paper, all she said was: is this it ????


It drives me mad. Yes my daughter proberbly got more than I did when I was little. But then again I only have the one. But she never got so senselessly spoilt. I did manage to teach her the value of money and to embrace how much she is loved.

LB does and doesn't get my point. He agrees that they get way too much but at the same time he states that he still HAS to go out to buy some presents.

Don't get me wrong. I love giving. But on my terms. Not when the calender stiplulates it.

Okies, rant over.

If I don't get round to record another entry:

I wish you all a very merry, happy and peaceful Christmas
und einen guten Rutsch in Neue Jahr :) x

12 November 2014

YEAH....I did it: I have not stepped on the scales in a full year!!

There where times when I was tempted, maybe even a bit scared that I would not like what I see. But why? Its only a number after all!

No! I have been measuring with how my clothes feel. Some days they are a bit snug...the next week a bit looser. But overall comfortable. If they weren't I would go out and by some new. I even got my 28inch leather trousers out the other day and to my surprise they fitted better then when I bought them :)

Still dairy free with the exception of a little piece of cheese when I feel like it. Even LB likes it when I make porridge with soy milk. I found that oat cream is a lovely substitute. But dairy free cheese is vile. So I won't bother no more. I always thought I couldn't live without yogurt. Myth!!! I buy the occasional soy yogurt. They are good, just simply not fussed anymore.

Eating only fruit til lunch time still works for me. The riper the better. The high fructose content gives me the energy to propell me through my day. When I workout I have more energy and stamina when I had a sweet sharon fruit before hand.

Talking of exercise: September was a bit flawed as I had a bad cold for two weeks and then my daughter came home for a week. So apart from taking the dogs for long walks, not a lot else to report.
October was a bit better. 11 out of 31 days.
So far November is going strong with 6 out of 12 days.
I did count Saturday as I went beating and I stumbled through high brambles with Ash in the pouring rain for 5 hours. By 2pm I must have weight 10kgs more as my 5 layers (including a so called waterproof) were saturated. I don't think I could have gotten any wetter. ;)

My little puppy is turning into a bigger girl now. 7 month old now. What was life like before her? I can't remember! She is just such a pleasure and delight to be around. Even when she is naughty :)
I must take her to the vet. Although she has all her new teeth now she is still hanging on to 3 of her baby teeth too. I am just worried that they will make the new ones rot as they are so close together.

I do still come here most days, read all your stories, successes and stumbles. You are all awesome :)

29 August 2014

I did it, I did it, I did it :)

Got some exercise in (30 minutes of Jillians one week shred strength workout). Got the feeling the week of did me good, as although I sweated a bucket, I didn't struggle as much. Bonus.

But last night I slept rough. I woke up feeling really tired and LB said I was wrestling with him all night. Poor guy ;)

After all this rain I found another glutton of cucumbers, courgettes and squashes. Good thing that I bought more vinegar last night to do some pickling over the weekend. Luckily I have a Pampersession booked on Saturday and plan to go downtown on Saturday to spend some vouchers, so I won't be stuck in the kitchen the whole time.

Apart from that, only exercise is on the agenda. No visitors or trips planned. Yeah. I need a break!!!

Had a delicious mixure of fresh figs, raspberries and mango for breakfast. YUMYUM. Peaches and banana since then.

So for today it is a HAPPY DAY :)

28 August 2014

Still no exercise!!!

Lazy, lazy, lazy me. I could have fitted it in last night. LB did. But I sat down at the dinning room table and played on the kindle. Where is this going to lead? At least I got a bit of gardening done. Only 1 hour. Mostly picking up apples and carrying full buckets to the farm( which is behind my garden) for the piglets. Then it just rained to heavy to carry on.

Today weekly shopping is on the agenda. The plan is to exercise in the afternoon and go shopping later. I know once I break this cycle, I'll be fine, but to get going is the difficult bit. Will have to kick myself into it!!!

And why did I just ate the KitKat(2 fingers)? I don't even like it! I rarely eat chocolate and usually I opt for quality stuff (90% dark Lindt). I Ashes naughtyness rubbing of on me? This little dog is so full of mischief. And she only has 2 settings: Full on or asleep. But so much joy and fun!

LB is down in Southampton today for his yearly stress ECG. Its just something the army requires for every flight maintainer over 60. Hope he is back before lunch. I don't like eating on my own.

Ahh it looks like the sun is creeping out behind the clouds :). Is it me or is autumn coming early this year?

:) just back from an energetic 40 minute walk. That should have taken care of that KitKat. But boy is it windy out there.

Think before you eat!

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