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03 Juni 2018

Day 2 - Still here and motivated to change.
I accepted a challenge on here that starts today and goes for 6 wks. It's not an easy one but then I've been going on easy for too long. My intention is to shake something up inside of me. One goal is to record something on FS every day, one way or another, so I stay motivated and accountable.

My ultimate motivation for losing weight is really a hope that by changing my habits to lose weight, I might gain my strength, energy and spirit back. Not that the weight loss won't be welcome but without the strength and energy it would be meaningless. I am always so tired, physically, mentally and sometimes emotionally too, and it's depressing. It's hard for me to get motivated even to do most of the regular tasks that need to be done at home and for work. (let alone exercise)

I work nights, at home, on my computer. This means I sit A LOT and I can tell it's not good for your body. Working at night also makes snacking a problem and affects my sleep. There are so many bad habits I've fallen into that it's slowly killing me. When I'm SO tired, I just don't care anymore. (I know that sounds dramatic, but it's true). I can see the difference in my strength, energy, physical health and even mental health in just the last 4 years. I feel like my life is just slipping through my fingers while I watch it go. I want to LIVE IT. I want the energy back to care about it. THAT is my motivation.

02 Juni 2018

02 Juni 2018

12 Juni 2014

Based on info and comments I've seen on the forums here (and more I looked up myself) I've decided to give the Intermittent fasting, 16:8, a try. I also base this decision on the the fact that my mealtimes and eating habits need to be more consistent.

So I started it today with my 8hr window being Noon-8pm. Skipping breakfast is not a problem for me because I am usually a late riser and typically don't eat before noon anyway. The problem time lies in the evening, after 8pm. Since I am a night owl, I habitually snack or eat again between 10:-12:00 so I naturally find myself drawn toward the kitchen before bed. Drinking a lot more water as substitute. I'm actually hoping to change my sleep cycle as well and eventually be on an earlier schedule.

AND...For the veggie lover or just those that want/need to add more tasty veggies to their diet, I have discovered a fabulous book. It is called, The Essential Vegetarian Cookbook.

Now no groans from the avid meat eaters. I am not a vegetarian, I can't stomach raw-stick-veggie snacks for more than a day and I eat some meat in nearly every meal, but I do love vegetables and this book has some of the best looking recipes I've seen. (AND it's not all weird ingredients that most people can't name let alone identify). I loved it so much I had to share it with you guys.

BTW Most of these recipes you can add a bit of lean meat in if you like and it will still be great ;-) Great with AND without.

08 Juni 2014

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