Timg2500's Notizen

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24 Februar 2017

Long day yesterday.. had to hand spread a bunch of lime on the lawn to get my crappy looking grass to get better. Lots of walking.. Workout last night was hard as hell.

- Warm-up (ran / lunges / sit-ups etc)
- 5 rounds of 3 Deadlifts and 5 seated presses. Last round was 5 deadlifts at 205 lbs.. puts me at about a 230 ORM which is a PR. Seated presses I stuck with 80 lbs.
- THEN THE WORKOUT CAME: Circuit of Toes-to-bar, 55lb lunges with bar at rack position, and burpees --> Reps of 27, 21, 15, and 9. That was a hard one for me especially since there is no rest.. took me 18 min to get it done.

Ate reasonably well yesterday. Had some candy, but I offset the calories so I didn't go over. I may need to take a quick lunch today. I still have 3 50lb bags of lime to get down before the rains start this afternoon and I want to do it on my lunch break. I may just grab a Subway salad or something.

Happy Friday!!
Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
79,8 kg 3,4 kg 2,7 kg 100%
   (1 Kommentar) konstantes Gewicht

23 Februar 2017

Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
79,8 kg 3,4 kg 2,7 kg Recht gut
   Kommentar hinzufügen Zunahme von 0,6 kg pro Woche

22 Februar 2017

Ate really clean yesterday. Planning for another strict day today. I definitely felt a lot better yesterday evening once I got through the day.

Also really sore today.. Workout was great. We did Hang Cleans, Power Cleans, and Squat Cleans for strength. Really need to work on form.. I keep wanting to go to my toes. :/ Then it was 1200m run, front squats and burpees. The front squats are getting much better. I'm getting deeper and the rack position is starting to come more natural. I don't really use my hands much to keep it in position anymore. I decided to wrap that all up with a 20/10 interval workout on the bike. I probably looked funny walking out.. I had the whole locked knee jerky walk going LOL.

Rest day today. Workout again tomorrow. I need to catch up on some house stuff bad and it's going to be 70 degrees here.. which is stupid because the average here in February is 44 as a high. I'm a little disappointed that we didn't get a big snow this year.

Anyways. Chicks are doing well, and the countdown to fresh free range eggs is about June 24. I'm probably going to put in a larger run.. say 25x25. That's about 100SF per bird. I picked up a bunch of AG lime to raise the pH of my fruit bush area and going to start getting that soil amended for the new plants coming in March.

Good day all!
Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
79,7 kg 3,4 kg 2,6 kg 100%
   (8 Kommentare) Verlust von 4,4 kg pro Woche

21 Februar 2017

Tuesday measurement checks. 
These last few pounds are definitely proving to be difficult. I leveled off this week on overall loss, but my BF % definitely surprised me by still dropping. I definitely got off track Friday until yesterday with my WOE. There is a need to take some time to re-focus and continue keeping with the goal.

I did not go work out yesterday... both a sick family member and tempting warm weather got us all out and having fun which was really needed anyway. I'll get there tonight for sure and try to do a make up on Friday. We did finally get out and get our chicks though :)

Hope you all have a good day.
Goal Re-statement: 2/2/2017
"On March 31, 2017, I maintain my ideal weight and health by measuring a 10-12% body fat and 32 inch waist. I do HIIT exercise a minimum of 3 days a week and focus on increasing muscle strength and general mobility. I eat in a simply structured manner with focus on lean meats, substantial vegetables, and minimally processed food. My ultimate goals are to lead a medically healthy (low cholesterol, good BP, etc.) lifestyle and consistently monitor those results to help in personal longevity and to be a good example."
SIC Fitness: Tu,Th
Fasting: I have been fasting until 1145-12 typically each day and done eating by 8-830.
Cut Plan:
WOE: Eating healthy meals and only when I plan to. Three meals a day at 30/30/40% kcal. Morning fasting 16:8.
WOEx: HIIT M,Tu,Th; Misc cardio and exercise throughout week.
Waist Measure: 32.75" on 2/21 = +0.75" (Goal is 32")
BF %: 13.7% on 2/21 = -0.3% (Goal is 10%)
Tues # (based on Trend Weight): 176.7 = -0.0# from 2/14
Est LBM: 152.5 = +0.19#/wk (4 week average) = +0.5# from 2/14
Est Fat: 24.2 = -0.49#/wk (Need to lose 7.3# for 10% goal) = -0.5# from 2/14

Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
80,4 kg 2,8 kg 3,3 kg 100%
   (1 Kommentar) Verlust von 2,5 kg pro Woche

20 Februar 2017

Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
80,7 kg 2,4 kg 3,6 kg Schlecht
   (2 Kommentare) Zunahme von 3,5 kg pro Woche

Timg2500's Gewichtsverlauf

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