Woke at 236.6, up 4.8 from yesterday. Lots of the wrong food and drink away from home. I also did not get enough sleep last week. Only 3.5 or 4 hours per night for four nights, then 5 hours. I slept until noon on Saturday and will try to do better next week. Fasting this weekend with black coffee and water and will continue it into the week if I feel good enough. Would be great to take it the final five days of the month but I will see how I feel. I got my thyroid results posted from the blood test I took on Wednesday. All of them were within the normal ranges, but at the absolutely lowest number of normal. I need to study the med sites to see what that means and then will check with my doc as well. Does anybody have experience with those numbers? UPDATE: Down to 235.2 by 7:30 pm. Did not take Lasix today, so got no pharmacological help with pushing out the water.

Diätkalender ansehen, 27 Oktober 2018:
37 kcal Fett: 0,68g | Eiw: 1,07g | Kohlh: 0,36g.   Mittagessen: Coffee, Water. Abendessen: Dr. Pepper Diet Dr. Pepper (Bottle), Water. Snacks/Sonstiges: Viva Naturals Krill Oil, Now Zinc, Hunza Gold Apricot Kernels, MK-7 Vitamin K2, Vitamin D3 5000 IU, Turmeric Capsules, Now Magnesium Citrate, Nature Made Super B-Complex. mehr...
2424 kcal Bewegung: Fitbit - 24 Stunden. mehr...

24 Unterstützer    Unterstützen   

No experience, but you eat mainly keto, right? Drs Phinney and Volek say the keto diet makes you more sensitive to thyroid hormones - check out their post on "Adrenal Fatigue" at blog.virtahealth.com  
27 Okt 18 vom Mitglied: gz9gjg
you may find just cutting your carbs to the bone once you are done with fasting will help to drop the weight down. I know you can tolerate more than a lot of people but maybe the carb creep is more than you think lately. my thyroid is low but within range too, freezing cold all the time. but I do lose weight just fine. just have to be good about not eating wrong for me. 
27 Okt 18 vom Mitglied: baskington
While losing weight i had my thyroid checked every three months. My T3 was a bit below the average of the normal range. I had a daily average about 1300 for the first 6 months and about 1500 for the next 6. Endocrinologist said that it reflected my low cal diet. You are a consistent logger so i can tell that your thyroid is not affected by your woe. You do not eat that little. But you have incredible calorie deficits also not reflecting to a serious weight loss as it should. Maybe false cals out. Even ignoring cals out, i am 66 lbs lighter than you, small skeleton, but if i ate your daily average i would agressively lose weight even being sedentary. I lived that at summer 2015. Fixing your thyroid it will get easier to lose weight. 
27 Okt 18 vom Mitglied: Tassos67
I think you answered your own question, Draglist. Getting off low carb will bring on rapid weight gain. It happened to me and I couldn't believe it. Within months I put on 30 extra pounds. I had menopause going on at the same time so I just kept on gaining weight after that. Lack of sleep will also bring on weight gain and will lead to making poor food choices ... those comfort foods are what we reach for. Get some rest this weekend and regroup. Take care of yourself.  
27 Okt 18 vom Mitglied: Mom2Boxers
since I started vegan mid may 2018, I increased carbs significantly to 70% carbs, 15% to 23% fat, 10% to 15% protein, and I've lost 9 lbs. don't want to lose more, so have to add carbs when needed. Doc had said I was borderline diabetic, and blood tests 3 months later looked better. I was also diagnosed 20 years ago with hypothyroidism, stopped taking the meds for that after a few years, and now use Thyrobin and ionic iodine every day, which does the trick. Draglist which readings were low side of normal?  
27 Okt 18 vom Mitglied: billtech66
generally mine does not go up for a couple hours to 3 hours after a big meal. it rises slowly but then I don't have any carbs all fat and protein.  
27 Okt 18 vom Mitglied: baskington
The protein you ate with your bran muffin would slow down the rise in insulin as baskington says but overall, I am pleased for you ... you are definitely not diabetic. 
28 Okt 18 vom Mitglied: Mom2Boxers
Your doctor's opinion about T3 & T4 total results and Mg results related to your daily high dose supplements would be very interesting. Do you have painfull night cramps ? Low Mg maybe due to diuretics ? If so maybe other minerals are also low. 
28 Okt 18 vom Mitglied: Tassos67
Be careful, don't dehydrate.  
28 Okt 18 vom Mitglied: Alnona


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