The creep is minor and I know what to do. It’s just so fun to grab a bite to eat with my family and enjoy a little wine. It’s when I enjoy doing that 1-3 times a week that brings on the creep! 😳 We took on daughter and grandson out for a casual dinner and then came home to sit by the fire and talk. My daughter could sit and relax while I played with our adorable and very scrumptious grand baby. We want to fill them with a sense of joy and comfort when they are with us. They need us now and we recognize the higher calling we have to be a loving and stabilizing presence for each of them. They are safe here. They can rest and refuel here. They have left the environment of daily fear and pain behind and can start the healing process. For now I am focusing on the joy and gratitude I feel as a wife, mother, and grandparent and not shaming myself for the creep. 🩷
62,2 kg Bisher verloren: 11,7 kg.    Still to go: 3,3 kg.    Diät befolgt: Recht gut.
Zunahme von 0,1 kg pro Woche

14 Unterstützer    Unterstützen   


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