As a bus driver, I see A LOT of crazy driving around the cities.

Cars making left turns from my right as I sit, waiting at a red light always make me laugh. They just get closer and closer to my bumper.

This is why they say "don't cut corners".

Don't take shortcuts to health. Don't take pills or starve yourself to get faster results. You run the risk of "clipping my bumper".

The safe way of making a turn is to get deeper into the intersection before turning the wheel. This requires you to slow down as you can't comfortably take this kind of turn at such a high rate of speed.

The same goes for dieting or muscle building; it's all a game of patience. Stop setting unreasonable dates that force you to do anything drastic.

Take your time and do it right and you'll develop your mind as well as your body which will prevent relapses in the future.

Don't hit my bumper please. Be safe, do it right, and folks like me will be impressed with your slow and successful progress!
72,1 kg Bisher verloren: 0 kg.    Still to go: 0 kg.    Diät befolgt: Recht gut.

Diätkalender ansehen, 09 August 2021:
4057 kcal Fett: 88,72g | Eiw: 243,93g | Kohlh: 694,59g.   Frühstück: Smucker's Simply Fruit Strawberry, Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt - Vanilla (150g), Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla Milk, Malt-O-Meal Berry Colossal Crunch. Zweites Frühstück: BSN Amino X, Optimum Nutrition Micronized Creatine Powder, Gatorade Zero Lemon-Lime, Coffee (Brewed From Grounds). Brunch: Corn Tortilla, El Mexicano Frijoles Pintos Pinto Beans, Starbucks Salted Caramel Mocha Frappuccino (Venti), Bill Bailey's Pollo Asado, Mexican Rice. Abendessen: Breyers Oreo Cookies & Cream Ice Cream, El Mexicano Frijoles Pintos Pinto Beans, Mexican Rice, Bill Bailey's Pollo Asado. Nachtmahl: Vitafusion Energy B12 Gummy Vitamins, Vitafusion MultiVites Gummy Vitamins. mehr...
3533 kcal Bewegung: Bodybuilding - 1 Stunde und 30 Minuten, Kochen - 30 Minuten, Lebensmitteleinkaufs - 30 Minuten, Gartenarbeit (Gartenbau) - 2 Stunden, Hausarbeit - 1 Stunde, Sitzen - 7 Stunden, Duschen - 15 Minuten, Auto Fahren - 1 Stunde und 30 Minuten, Schlafen - 8 Stunden, Ruhen - 1 Stunde und 45 Minuten. mehr...
Verlust von 4,8 kg pro Woche

15 Unterstützer    Unterstützen   

Great advice. 👍 
09 Aug 21 vom Mitglied: _bec_ca


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