And calorie maintenance can result in this kind of before and after. You don't always have to be in a deficit depending on your body weight.

Diätkalender ansehen, 04 September 2019:
3071 kcal Fett: 82,93g | Eiw: 171,30g | Kohlh: 452,57g.   Frühstück: Sweet 2 Eat Peaches, Pears , Chobani vanilla greek yogurt. Mittagessen: Whole Milk, Pure Protein Chocolate Peanut Butter High Protein Bar (Small), Quest Chocolate Brownie Protein Bar, Pears , Sonic BBQ Boneless Chicken Wings (6). Abendessen: Orville Redenbacher's Smart Pop! 94% Fat Free Kettle Korn Single Serve, Ole Extreme Wellness High Fiber Low Carb Tortillas, Golden Corral Strawberry Shortcake, Quest Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Protein Bar. Snacks/Sonstiges: Sunkist Navel Orange, Kiwi Fruit, Peach. mehr...
4277 kcal Bewegung: Laufen (Joggen) - 8 Km/h - 1 Stunde und 10 Minuten, Schlafen - 7 Stunden und 40 Minuten, Sitzen - 8 Stunden, Krafttraining (Mäßig) - 1 Stunde und 20 Minuten, Radfahren (Gemächlich) - <16 Km/h - 2 Stunden und 35 Minuten, Ruhen - 3 Stunden und 15 Minuten. mehr...

The graph seems backwards to me 
04 Sep 19 vom Mitglied: LZenn
It's showing pounds lost and then color coding them to show what the loss is comprised of. 
04 Sep 19 vom Mitglied: -Diablo
Oh, you mean compared to the pics. I added those myself to show not a loss but a recomp. 
04 Sep 19 vom Mitglied: -Diablo
Oh, it's loss not composition. My bad. Gotcha :) 
04 Sep 19 vom Mitglied: LZenn


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