Pingui75's Notizen

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04 März 2017

04 März 2017

11 Januar 2017

Hello community! I am a bit worn out today: these past few days have taken a bit of a tool, with this drastic reduction in calories and picking up exercise. I am sore and tired... and cold!!! Cold weather makes you hungry and eating less makes you cold!
I imagine that many of you suffer the same frustration so I'd like to offer some encouragement and inspiration to us all with these words from Winston Churchill
"Every day you may make progress. Every step might be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and the glory of the climb."
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts"
Good day to everyone!!

10 Januar 2017

09 Januar 2017

Almost bed time for me (I am on GMT+1, it's 1030 PM) On day 3 of the first phase of this French "chronutrition" diet that I am trying. The first phase is supposed to last four weeks and it is the most restrictive one. It is pretty tough, also because, since dinner is "optional" for this regimen, I have been skipping it. I must confess, I am quite hungry but not starving as I would have expected. The calory count is at less than 1200, I suppose that if I were to have dinner it would go up to about 1500. As you can see from the chart, the calories mostly come from fat. Portion control comes heavily into play, and carbs are kept low, although not low enough to make it a ketogenic diet.
I am enjoying the great cheese in the morning, the fact that I can eat a little bread and some grain as a small side dish at lunch and the fact that I can have a sweet snack in the afternoon (just some juice and a small protein bar, but still...)
Portion control is a challenge though, and also the fact that I must choose my food from a very specific list that changes every week. I even have to use certain type of cheese (very French!!) like raw milk Brie or Camembert or brillât-savarin (????) ... it was an excuse for a trip to the gourmet section of the supermarket. Portions are small so it is not as expensive as i would have thought + I am saving money on crisps and snacks and junk food so I guess all in all it is ok.
Drinking some herbal tea to keep the tummy from grumbling though... I found a choco chili Ayurvedic one made with cocoa shells, cinnamon and chili 🌶 (a far cry from a real hot chocolate but still..)

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