-MorticiaAddams's Notizen

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01 Juni 2024

Well, I never did get to celebrate Mother's Day or my birthday as they happened during hubby's round of new chemo. He has been very symptomatic most of the time since then and taking care of him takes up a lot of my spare time. He is worth it. He used to be cute like Sean Connery. Now he is cute like John Belushi/Larry The Cable Guy, steroids make you puffy. LOL. I'm okay with it. I weighed a fit 115 when we met with curves in all the right places but then menopause happened and I morphed into more of a Queen Latifa/Melissa MacCarthy. LOL. Maybe not quite that fluffy but I did at one point double my weight. He still thinks other men find me attractive and guards me like a police dog. LOL. Very demented hubby. LOL. When he is in fine form he can still make me laugh till I am breathless and half-dead from hypoxia. Sounds horrible but it isn't as for me a man who can make me laugh is at the top of my list. It's also high on my list of traits of women friends. If you know who Red Green is, one of his quotes is "If women don't find you handsome they should at least find you handy." Unlike Red Green, Hubby is REALLY handy. Hubby is worth a lot of sacrifice. So I have to reaccess my half-baked goals to be able to take care of him. I have to find new tools for my "tool box". Which means less fast food, junk food, carbs. More protein/lean meat/fish, adequate fiber, low to moderate glycemic veggies/fruits, seeds/nuts, low sugar/low fat "dairy", beans/legumes. One of my tools I relied on in the past is not buying stuff that I should not be eating but hubby has cancer and is encouraged to eat whatever he can. So that tool is not going to work real well. I served a lot of salads with tons of raw veggies which hubby can't tolerate. I have to really cut back on ice cream, cookies, candy, pie, cake. etc. And bread, pasta, and rice. I probably will have to learn to watch him eat them. Yikes! LOL. I have some friends who are joining this site now. Rjv531, grandma73, and LadyShineEH14. LadyShineEH14 you need to not be on private to be able to talk to us. My friends are awesome and I told them all about you all who are awesome too. This picture is for Wonder Girl T3r3sa7 who requested it. More later.

17 Mai 2024

Today I turned 72. People say I don't look or act 72 but I sometimes feel 72. (Sometimes I feel 92 and think I look it. LOL.) I feel fortunate to have lived to this age. Both of my grandmas and dad all lived into their late 80s but my aunts and mom died in their early and mid 60s. I was the only living female in my family at 48. My hubby probably won't see 70. He just had chemo on Wednesday and had an injection Thursday to stimulate his bone marrow to produce blood cells. He is not feeling well today so we won't be doing much. We are among the weirdos you see who are still wearing masks when out. We have no choice as he is severely immune suppressed. I am mildly immune suppressed. If you see people wearing masks consider that most likely they are doing it for medical reasons and have no choice. I am proud of the many positive things I have accomplished in my life at 72. I hope at 72 you can say the same.

15 Januar 2024

Public Service Announcement - Years ago in the early 90s it was the coldest it has ever been here, -22F. I was called out that night to do emergency dialysis and came home at 3 A.M. and discovered that our home had caught fire due to the wood stove not being installed correctly when the house was built. The fire had burned a hole all the way through the living room wall where you could look outside. The smoke alarm woke my hubby who is HOH and he got our pre-school son outside and put the fire out with our hose. It's a wonder the hose was left outside and that it didn't freeze up. It would have taken a long time for the fire department to arrive as far out as we live. He said he prayed a lot. I could have lost EVERYTHING that night so I am a huge fan of smoke alarms. Make sure yours works!!! By the way, the wood stove was not reinstalled. Not a fan of those.

30 Dezember 2023

I am hoping that you are one of the fortunate ones that had great holidays and can look forward to the coming year. It's a gift not bestowed on all of us. Prior to Thanksgiving, November 17th for hubby and November 19th for me, hubby and I got our second bout with covid. The first time was in early 2019. Back then he recovered quickly and I got Long Haulers. I was a complete mess. This time was similar. He has recovered almost totally. I still have some lingering problems - chiefly a productive cough and weight gain. For seniors like us, covid is often not just a bad cold, it's COVID, a big time nightmare. During this bout of COVID hubby got the news he had to start heavy duty chemo in early January - not unexpected but unwelcome. So in addition to being physically sick this made us mentally sick too. As I was not feeling up to even microwaving a Hot Pocket, our diet went to Covid Hades. I don't actually eat Hot Pockets and never have tried one but I had things just as bad. I wanted hubby to have treats he wanted since this may be his last Xmas so I made things like fudge, iced sugar cookies, bought candy. At some point I decided to lower my goals to just keep my weight below 200. Not a good goal but if I reached that goal I still would have kept 32 pounds off from my highest weight. Way too far from my lowest weight the past few years of 178 actually but not a total fiasco. Weight and eating right are important for me because I am a diabetic in remission but I stopped tracking and weighing myself as I was busy. A couple days ago I decided to start tracking again and weighing again. The holidays are almost over and I fluffed out from 190.6 to a whopping 198.8 pounds. Not good but better than setting the bar low and then not being able to even achieve it. So I squeezed by and count that to be a success. LOL. I spent the last 2 days gathering evidence. The Science major is back. Thursday I still had plenty of holiday food left, Friday I had less. I am down to 198.4 since Thursday. This evidence gives me the info I need to slowly adjust to my plan which was chosen by my doctor with my input based on my specific medical problems, my body type, my preferences. It's a High Protein, Low Carb, High Fiber diet. Still needs lots of work. Fiber is good. Protein is headed in the wrong direction. The carbs are still outrageous. Calories and sodium still too high.

Thursday Friday

2169 calories. 1844 calories -325

3385 sodium 2824 sodium -561

219.49 net carbs 200.08 net carbs -19.41

86.26 protein 70.33 protein -15.93

35.8 fiber 49 fiber +13.2

198.8 weight 198.4 -0.4

25 Dezember 2023

-MorticiaAddams's Gewichtsverlauf

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